
Relief Missions

At some point of time everyone has to depend on one another for support. That support is of highest importance when mother nature has shown her rage in the recent past in forms of natural calamities like Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Cyclones, Floods etc. DORAI Foundation networks with various other NGOs across the country where there is immediate need for attention and relief. DF believes in following a bottoms-up approach in such scenarios to ensure that the bottom-line workers on the field tend to take up responsibilities and realize the importance of their contribution.

The DORAI Foundation has been involved in various disaster management and relief missions for the past two decades in the country. DF has raised funds and has directly distributed supplies on the field in the time of need. Right from the Tsunami that hit the eastern coasts of Southern India in 2005, the Kashmir floods in 2014, through the 2015 Tamil Nadu floods, the Vardha cyclone relief, the Nivar cyclone, the Amphaan cyclone and so on. DF has always ensured that it contributes to the society whenever the need arises and especially through difficult times such as disasters.
